How to Make Your Website Really Work for You

By Sunu Philip | Website Optimization

Jan 25
How to Make Your Website Really Work for You

What does digital marketing mean to you?

For most entrepreneurs and small/medium businesses, digital marketing encompasses a wide range of marketing activities done online to increase brand awareness and bring in more revenue.

But where does one start with digital marketing?

You start with a website for your business!

Digital marketing is not just about having a website… but it certainly is a great place to start!

In this article, we’ll expound on what you can do to make sure your website works for you.

For starters, it’s important to note that your business website must serve two main purposes well:

  • Communication
  • Conversion

Let’s look at each of these in detail.


Some of the common definitions of the word ‘communication’ (according to Google) are:

  • The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.
  • The successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.
  • Social contact.

The main aspect of communication is that it goes both ways, especially with respect to a business website. It’s not just about publishing information about your business, but about allowing website visitors to communicate back with you.

Here are some ways you can establish good communication through your website.

1. Establish Trust

The content on your website must lead even the casual visitor to believe that you are a trusted expert in your field. This will encourage them to trust your authority, and therefore the products/services your business provides.

Moz Credentials

Credentials Featured on the Moz Website

You can establish trust with readers through the website in the following ways.

Display your credentials

If you’ve completed any certifications, won awards or been featured in major online or offline publications, you can include the corresponding badges in a prominent place on your website.

Publish relevant content

Try to consistently publish a variety of content that is related to your industry and will be helpful for the reader. You can share the latest trends, guides or helpful hacks that will resonate with website visitors.

Share your portfolio

Your website must showcase who you are and what your business does. So make sure you highlight the projects you’ve undertaken and the brands you’ve worked with. For bonus points, you can publish analytical case studies that draw attention to how your business has positively impacted prior clients.

2. Focus on the Customer

While your website must highlight your business and the products/services you provide, it must be presented in a customer-friendly perspective. Visitors must feel that your website is about them, and not just about your business.

Kissmetrics' Customer Focused Website

Customer Focused Kissmetrics Site

Here are some ways you can keep your website’s focus on the customer.

Create customer-centric content

You will first have to identify who your ideal customer is, what they’re looking for and why they’re likely to find it on your website. Once that is outlined, you’ll be able to create customized content that makes the visitor feel the website is all about them.

Empathize with the visitor

Everybody likes a little empathy – knowing that somebody understands them. Put yourself in your readers’ shoes and present your site content in a way that resonates with them. They will get the feeling that you really understand their challenges and struggles.

Point out the benefits

Rather than simply jotting down what your business does and how, go a step further and elaborate how your products/services will impact the customer. Explain how it will help them overcome their challenges and change their lives for the better.


When it comes to your website, the term “conversion” refers to the process of getting website visitors to make a decision or perform a specific task on your site that will further their relationship with your business.

Typically, this means getting visitors to:

  • Sign up for email updates
  • Send an enquiry through the contact form
  • Download a free resource you offer
  • Purchase a product or service

The key here is to get visitors to go a step further in connecting with your business and what you have to offer.

Here are few things you can do to increase the conversion rate on your website.

1. Have a Visible Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is a way to get visitors to make a decision or take specific action on your website. When you explicitly tell them what they need to do next, they are more likely to carry it out.

Lead Pages CTA

Lead Pages CTA

Your CTA must include the following elements:

  • Relevant text and graphics propelling the visitor towards action.
  • A button with clear and compelling words.
  • A brief account of how taking action will benefit the reader.

Do make sure that all the major pages on your website have CTAs in prominent locations where they are more likely to be clicked. You can also include CTAs at the end of regular blog content for more click-throughs.

2. Offer an Incentive to Sign Up

Let’s say you’re trying to build your email list and you want to lure more subscribers so you can reach out to them with business propositions. The best way to get people to sign up for your mailing list is to offer them an enticing incentive.

Michael Hyatt's Sign Up Incentive

Michael Hyatt’s Sign Up Incentive

You can offer incentives such as:

  • A free eBook or whitepaper
  • Discount coupons for your products or services
  • Free printables or worksheets
  • A short consultation/strategy discussion call

This makes the user feel that they are getting something valuable when they sign up, which in turn drives up conversion rates.

3. Set Up a Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is an integral part of digital marketing for any business that has an online presence. Once you have a website in place, you need to decide how you’re going to turn casual visitors into paying customers.

GoDaddy Discount Offers

Discount Offers at GoDaddy

This usually involves the following steps:

Step 1: Publish a resource on your site that’s free for email subscribers.
Step 2: Send follow up emails to subscribers to introduce your business and give them opportunities to connect with you.
Step 3: Offer them deals on your products and services that will entice them to convert into paying customers.

As you can see, your website isn’t just your online business card. It’s a place where you can actively build your business and see it succeed.

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About the Author

Sunu Philip, the founder of Get Found Online, is a Certified SEO Specialist and Internet Marketing Consultant. Her passion is to help individuals and brands establish their online presence and bring in more business through the power of digital marketing.

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